Wednesday, June 6, 2012

summer has officially begun...

guys, i did it!

i finished yet another year of midget wrangling,
and boy am I proud of myself. 
i know, that was a bold statement,
but i can't help it. 
this was a big year for me: falling in love, planning a wedding, all while still not being a veteran teacher and there were times when i would literally cry out for my mommy and/or wonder if i was going to come out of this school year alive.

but people, i made it!
it's summer!!!!

we filled the last week of school with a lot of this...

my cute 24 surrogate children

and with summer here,
how excited i am to party with my beyond adorable hubby.
we've already had tons of fun, and it's only been a week.

like last week...
we visited the dinos 
(mr. stephens' home away from home)

this summer, we are also:
catching up on our favorite Civil War documentary series
visiting places around SLC like This is the Place Heritage Park and the Zoo
tutoring a few students on reading
watching lots of movies
sleeping in
staying up late
 spending time at the pool
reading lots of books
and... blogging!!! (finally)

(this surprise came just days before the end of the year to encourage the last few days survival - 
have i mentioned he is the best?)

happy summmmmmmmer!

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